Thanks for sharing your story. The part about “Palestine didn’t need me, I needed it” hit me with all the feels. Thank you for bringing this awareness to the surface for me also. 🙏🏻

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This is an excellent essay. I am now going to look for your podcast.

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Excellent piece 🔥

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I love finding other Jews who are anti-zio - thank you for writing this, it resonated a lot with me. I never thought after the Holocaust that “we” would just turn around and line up Palestinians on a wall the way Germans lined “us” up for the kill. That’s awful you went through the IOF torture treatment, and that is how you were able to see things differently. I’m at @jews_against_gcide on IG if you want to chat more. 🫂🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

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Thanks for sharing your experience here on substack. Thank you for lending your Jewish voice to the resistance. I salute you and all Jews who are standing up against the cult of Zionism. Since I’m familiar with your pod, I have to ask - are you taking a hiatus? The last ep was on 5/24.

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Appreciating your self-interrogation, your principles, and your testimonial. 🙏🏼

I would say that this revelation:

"From the cradle to the grave, zionism has its grip on all Jewish institutions, social circles, and economic collectives"

extends beyond those of Jewish communities, to *all* of Euro-American society, nations, and systems. Zionism *is* colonialism, Zionism *is* White supremacy, and so Zionism is an irrevocable part of the systems and ideologies of all racialized White nations, systems, and their dominions.

And, Palestine too, has freed me.

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. 🇵🇸✊🏼

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Thank you so much for sharing…it gives me some hope to witness the fall of these imperialists in my lifetime.

Stay loud

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I resonate with this account so much. The ah ha I have had about my whiteness and how insidious the indoctrination is into it continues to blow my mind. I love the realization that I am not freeing Palestine, Palestine has freed me! I no longer work for peace, I work for liberation, by which I believe, peace will come. Thank you Michael!

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This quote resonates so much with my own awakening from the hold The Empire had on me. "I was quickly labeled crazy and a conspiracy theorist. So it wasn’t a stretch for me to educate myself and see the" Empire for what it truly is: U.S. imperialism. Thank you so much all the critical chipping away work you have done and continue to do!

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Thanks for sharing your story! I love Palestine pod. Hopefully one day soon it will be a place to share stories of reunion and return.

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